Portas Vilaseca presents Pedro Victor Brandão's third solo exhibition at the gallery, titled MORE ABSTRACT, from April 26 to June 24, 2023. The show features 50 works from five series created between 2008 and 2023, exploring chemical, optical, and economic phenomena.
The ground floor displays the complete set of unique chemical paintings from the series View to nothingness, alongside with a large-format print of one of these originals. The second floor is dedicated to geometric abstractions, including the interactive work Faucet from the series Prepared screen, and six new paintings from the series Totalities.
The staircase leading to the third floor houses the sound installation Click on learn more from the series Detremura, with disturbing ads aired on social networks.
The third floor showcases the films from the series Cloud, Continent, Island and serves as a space for discussions and presentations.
All works, except for the paintings on the second floor, have been tokenized as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) accessible through this website. Natália Quinderé's critical essay highlights Pedro's financial abstractionism practiced within and outside the arts.
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